Half Fried

Ayushi Bakshi
2 min readJul 2, 2018

Lately I have been finding myself in a position where I am Half doing things. That is an extremely bad English for saying I am not completing what I have started.

I even left this article at the last full stop, before picking it up again a day after. Now that is either very funny or completely twisted. Now, I am not this person really you see, to keep things going the way they have been lately. Its almost like a suffering. I never thought I could “suffer” from procrastination. Is that even a thing to suffer from. Then I did what every one does these days. I googled and then ogled !

So I find myself typing at the address bar “How to deal with procrastination”. ENTER.

My screen turns all white and blue and violet with tons of articles on the topic. At-least, its a relief I am not alone or the chosen one for this. Now, I am weighing my options — should I read this article,or should I read the one which has a better preview ? I am behaving like a lunatic now who is thinking her one click on any of the article can change the demographics and the geographics of that article. As if my one click is “THE CLICK” which will turn around the fortune for the writer. So I have to be extremely careful with my click you know. I have to have to make it count. It has to be a single effort of opening the perfect article.

While I am deep into this bullshit, I read a consistent thing in all the previews. Find the “why” of your procrastination. What is it that you are so uninterested in doing that you turn into a big time procrastinator. I give a screen-scoff and just think about it . Whats a screen-scoff? Its when you are looking into your screen and you see/think of something funny and then you laugh. But like inside your mind. In the outside it just looks like you snorted out a big volume of air from your nostrils while your eyes are completely fixated on the screen — as you maintain a poker face while doing so.

Well, so I thought about it — the problem of my procrastination. Turns out, I don’t want to do my data science course I started — for which I paid 35 grands, and also I feel bad I didn’t continue with my meditation as I thought I would and I don’t exercise regularly as I promise myself every night and… wait aren’t these things I am procrastinating about in the first place. Great! it has become a cycle now :D

I guess its just these TV series I have started . Yes that what it is. At-least there is this one thing that I am completing completely. That’s again a bad English.. or is it.

You know what is the best part about these half things ? Just like the half fried eggs — they always have their sunny side up ;)

